Between who is right and what is right.

separation amongst believers stand as a

The increasing rate of Divorce and

confirmation of the fact that Christians

have cast away the biblical approach to

conflict management for that of the world,

where who is right is more important that

what is right.

We must not see eye to eye on every issue before we walk side by side. The Biblical stand on conflict management is that we must not see eye to eye on every issue before we can walk side by side.

In other words no issue between a couple from the mundane like which school a child should attend to the profound like adultery or religious differences should be more important than the relationship.

Conflict resolution, the way of the world insists that except we see eye to eye every issue we cannot walk side by side. In other words, issues matters more than the marital relationship. It is ones way or not at all. Reconciliation, the biblical way on the other hand stands that it is possible to walk by side by side even if we don’t agree on every sensitive issue. I have a Yoruba friend who is a Christian but married to a Muslim Yoruba lady. They may not agree on certain things spiritually, yet they are still happily married. If a marriage breaks-up or ends-up in divorce you don’t need a prophet to tell you that it is so because one person or both decided to make e issue behind the disagreement or conflict more important than the marital relationship. That one person or both are insisting that his or her ego is more important than the relationship.

Most Christians today are choosing the world’s approach to conflict management which is resolution over the biblical approach to conflict management, reconciliation. The former emphasizes issues over relationship with reason the latter emphasizes prioritizes the relationship over the issue.

This is clearly expressed in the manner in which Abraham handled the conflict between his nephew Lot and himself over grazing land for their livestock. When Abraham decided to address the conflict or strife his emphases was not on claiming rights. He reminded his Nephew in a profound statement, “we are brothers” You will be Surprised at the reasons behind marital break-ups and separations if you care to do a little research!

The increasing rate of Divorce and separation amongst believers stand as a confirmation of the fact that Christians have cast away the biblical approach to conflict management for that of the world, where who is right is more important than what is right!

Most Christians today are choosing the world’s
approach to conflict management which is
resolution over the biblical approach to conflict
management reconciliation.
The former emphasizes issues over relationship
while the latter emphasizes, prioritizes the
relationship over the issue



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